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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Undergraduate Student Activity Fee

The Cornell University Board of Trustees charges the Student Assembly with proposing a student activity fee for the entire undergraduate student body on a bi-yearly basis. The SA is also responsible for proposing how the fee will be distributed among student organizations on campus. The proposal must be approved by the University President and Board of Trustees. Nearly every student organizations on campus is funded through a “By-Line” organization, or an organization that receives a direct portion of the student activity fee.

The process for setting the fee proposal is outlined in the Student Assembly Charter, mostly in Appendix A and Appendix B. For more information on starting a new By-Line funded organization, please contact the Office of the Assemblies.

Upcoming (2018–2020) Funding Cycle

The fee-setting process for the 2018–2020 Student Activity Fees begins as of Wednesday, 1 February 2017 with the publishing of this information.

For new or returning organizations applying to be part of the 2018–2020 SA or GPSA Activity Fees, attendance at one of the following “Introduction to By-Line Funding” sessions is required:

  • Wednesday, 8 February 2017 from 4:30pm-5:30pm in Goldwin-Smith Hall G64
  • Thursday, 16 February 2017 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm in Klarman Auditorium
  • Monday, 27 February 2017 from 4:30pm-5:30pm in Malott Hall 253

Forms and Resources:

Current (2016–2018) Funding Cycle

The 2016–2018 Student Activity Fee proposal was completed in December 2015. The fee proposal was officially set by Student Assembly 2015-2016 Resolution 34. It was subsequently approved by the University President and Board of Trustees. It took affect for the start of the 2016–2017 Academic Year.

During the Fall 2016, each By-Line funded organization will be reviewed by the Student Assembly Appropriations Committee.

View the final 2016-2018 Undergraduate Student Activity Fee Proposal that was approved by the Student Assembly, University President, and Board of Trustees.

Organization16–18 Allocation16–18 RequestApplicationDecision
Alternative Breaks$1.50$1.50�downloaddownload
Athletics and Physical Education$10.30$11.00�downloaddownload
Class Councils$2.20$3.50�downloaddownload
Club Insurance$5.10$5.10�downloaddownload
Collegiate Readership Program$5.00$5.00�downloaddownload
Community Partnership Funding Board$2.00$2.00�downloaddownload
Cornell Cinema$10.90$12.00�downloaddownload
Cornell Concert Commission$12.00$12.00�downloaddownload
CUTonight Funding Commission$8.55$9.50�downloaddownload
Cornell University Program Board$7.50$7.50�downloaddownload
International Student Union$3.10$3.34�downloaddownload
Multicultural Greek Letter Council$0.50$0.50�downloaddownload
Minds Matter$2.00$2.00�downloaddownload
Orientation Steering Committee$9.98$10.22�downloaddownload
Student Activities Funding Commission$93.41$94.00�download addenum 1 addenum 2download
Senior Days$4.85$5.00�downloaddownload
Slope Day Programming Board$18.00$18.00�downloaddownload
Slope Media Group$0.85$1.25�downloaddownload
Student Assembly$2.00$2.00�downloaddownload
Welcome Weekend$2.32$2.78�downloaddownload
Outdoor Odyssey$1.25$1.25�downloaddownload
Women’s Resource Center$4.00$4.00�downloaddownload
WSH Student Union Board$2.14$2.26�downloaddownload

Previous Funding Cycles Overview

Download the Undergraduate Student Activity Fee Overview, 2010-2018 as a PDF.

Recipient2010 - 2012 Allocation2012 - 2014 Allocation2014 - 2016 Allocation2016 - 2018 Allocation
Alternative Breaks$1.00$1.35$1.50$1.50
Athletics and Physical Education$10.00$10.00$10.00$10.30
Big Red Bikes$1.00$2.00$1.00Did not submit application.
Class Councils$2.50$2.50$2.70$2.20
Club Insurance$4.70$5.10$5.10$5.10
Collegiate Readership Program$6.00$6.00$6.00$5.00
Community Centers Councils (also known as the North Campus Programming Board)$3.00$2.00$1.50Did not submit application.
Community Partnership Funding Board$2.00$2.00$2.00$2.00
Cornell Cinema$10.00$10.00$10.60$10.90
Cornell Concert Commission$12.00$12.00$12.00$12.00
Cornell University Program Board$7.50$7.50$7.50$7.50
CU Tonight$10.00$9.50$9.50$8.55
International Students Union (fomerly known as the International Students Board)$2.04$2.34$2.34$3.10
Minds Matter$1.00$1.50$2.00$2.00
Multicultural Greek Letter Council$0.50$0.50Did not submit application.$0.50
Orientation Steering Committee$6.60$7.60$8.72$9.98
Outdoor Odyssey$1.50$1.25$1.24$1.25
Senior Days (formerly known as Senior Week)$5.00$5.00$4.85$4.85
Slope Day Programming Board$18.00$18.00$18.00$18.00
Slope Media Group-$1.25$1.25$0.85
Student Activities Funding Commission (formerly known as the Student Assembly Finance Commission)$80.17$84.16$89.12$93.41
Student Assembly$2.45$2.20$1.90$2.00
Students Helping Students Endowment----
Welcome Weekend$2.75$2.55$2.55$2.32
Women’s Resource Center$2.00$3.50$3.46$4.00
WSH Student Union Board$1.25$1.80$2.00$2.14

Previous Funding Cycles Historical Information

View detailed information for the 2012-2014 SAF. View detailed information for the 2014-2016 SAF.

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715

[email protected]